9 Days Old

Just a quick update!

Liam: He had a rough go in the beginning. He was briefly intubated on low settings with umbilical lines in place and then went to a lesser form of support called NIPPV then CPAP. After he was extubated and his umbilical line was removed they inserted a PICC line. He is currently on a high flow nasal cannula and his PICC line was pulled and fluids discontinued because he is tolerating full feedings via NG tube!

Nora: Was on NIPPV and then CPAP and is also currently on a high flow nasal cannula and her PICC line was pulled and fluids discontinued because she is tolerating full feedings via NG tube!

As many of you know, I’m actually a neonatal ICU nurse so this is what I do for a living. It was been a whole new experience seeing it from a mommy’s perspective. I know I’ll be able to take from this experience to give even better care when I return back to work. My husband says he doesn’t know how he would deal with this if I wasn’t a NICU nurse. He says he just looks at my face to gauge if he should be worried or not. All in all I am thrilled with the progress we’ve seen in our strong little babies!

They are 32 weeks today so we will be in the NICU for a minimum of another 3 weeks. And now the fun part.. Here’s a bunch of pictures!

My first time holding both of my loves together…


Looking at my husband as I hold both of my babies together for the first time. Such an amazing moment…


Best. Feeling. Ever.


Daddy holding both babies…

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Nora and her gigantic (normal sized) paci…


Nora and Liam in their first outfits and doing well!


17 thoughts on “9 Days Old

  1. Such a beautiful family! I really teared up looking at your pictures. (My hormones are super sensitive.) 🙂 All of your experiences make you a better nurse and a better mom. My prayers to you and the family.

  2. Reading this makes me feel good. Our twins are 26w and I’m on mandatory bed rest because of cervix issues so they may come at any time – hoping to at least get as far as you did. They’re beautiful.

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