Week 16 Update and Gender Reveal


   We received some pretty exciting news this week at our ultrasound! Baby A is a GIRL and Baby B is a BOY! At the last U/S the tech originally says B/G and then by the end was saying B/B. I was preparing myself for boys and life with no bows or ruffles but she was right with the first pass! We are thrilled! Best of both worlds. We truly feel blessed after this long journey. Praying for continued health for the little ones and myself, as the journey is not over yet!



Image   Both babies looked great on ultrasound and everything measured perfectly and was in its place. Baby Girl A was wiggling all around and kicking her brother in the head. Baby Boy B was very active as well and working his legs out by kicking momma! Both babies measured one week ahead but since we know my dates are absolutely correct, the tech said it looks like they will just be long babies- tall like their daddy! Baby A weighed 186g and Baby B weighed 192g, which are both 7oz. The babies had exactly the same heart rates again at 147! Little girl was modest in her gender determination shot while little boy was letting it all hang out. Such a boy already!









How far along: 16 weeks and 6 days today.

Maternity clothes: A mixture. Maternity pants, for sure. Still wearing non-maternity skirts, dresses, etc.

Stretch marks: Not yet. Itchy though!

Sleep: Dealing with nighttime insomnia and potty breaks.

Best moment of this week: Seeing our little girl and boy on ultrasound and having my husband home after an extended trip.

Miss anything: Still the same. Exercise, being able to lift things, alcohol, **Jimmy Johns**, cold lunch meat in general, bleu cheese and caffeine. 

Movement: Feeling movement pretty regularly but not completely defined yet to where I can determine who is who. 

Food cravings: Not really. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really although meat generally doesn’t sound appealing.

Have you started to show yet: Ohhh yes.

Genders: Baby A is a GIRL and Baby B is a BOY!!!

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! Happy! Happy!

Looking forward to: Getting the nursery set up, doing some shopping, feeling more defined movements and of course seeing them next time.

Symptoms: Horrible heartburn, insomnia and still a few headaches. I’ve started getting round ligament pain but nothing too bad. 


We had chosen to have a wonderfully talented lady named Beth create the art piece above for us to use as part of our gender reveal. We wanted to incorporate our house and our dogs, Sasha and Gigi. We love what she created. Check her out at http://penelopeinmypocket.com